Wednesday 14 May 2008

LMO and Things

The LMOs for Harry and me turned up last week,(after a total cock up by Fed Ex).

Its all offical now, put my notice in and the flight tickets are being sorted in Winnipeg.
Up to now I have not posted were I am going, for which firm I am going to work for or how the move to Canada came about,I didn’t want to count my chickens before they hatched, (excuse the pun) so here goes.

Before I start a few thoughts...............
I can't complain about my life here,I earn average money, got a great family,good friends,(a few not so good friends too),although the ecomomy and the state of things here in Europe are not the best, you can live with it though, so why do I want to drive a truck in Canada ? Lots of reasons really, if I’m honest though the main one is, Because I want To.

To begin with, it was not a real option to go to Canada, there was at the time (and still is) a whack of coverage in the media, about people moving there,the ups and the downs etc, I didn’t at first really take any notice, but the seed had been sown so to say!! One evening I deceided to surf the net and being a nosey sort of bloke I discovered on the Arbeitsamt Homepage ( German Labour exchange), a job offer for long haul drivers, from a company called TransX in Winnipeg. Quick as a flash of went the CV as an Email attachment. Now all I had to do was wait until someone replys ‘just to see what happens’.
A couple of weeks later as I was on my way to work, my mate Harry the Hedgehog rings up on the mobile and starts whinging about the state of affairs here in jolly old Deutschland ,also that there is a job fair coming up in Essen,were companys from Canada, would be recruting people for various jobs.Now as Lisa (my Daughter) had to attend an athletic meeting in Duisburg on the same day, and I already had a day off work,it was a quick side step to arrange a combination of both events.
Big day comes !! of we toddle in the Red Fiesta, collect Harry on the way and zip down the autobahn to Essen.
After fighting our way past hordes (no Joke there were bloody hundreds) of people to gain entry into the job fair we managed to barge our way to Transx and interview their recruiting team.( I had already recieved a mail that they would be at the fair)
As Transx were not the only company recruiting in Essen we had to literaly barge our way through to the other trucking company stands to get any available info etc ,suprisingly It turns out that all off them were interested in us,and all could arrange LMOs, oops ahhh coffee? yup! and a think? Yup ! ok. fighting our way back through the mob again,we managed to grab the application papers from Transx and que up for coffee and a Wurst.
Now as I said Transx were not the only ones recruting there but they were in my opinion the best choice by far.
After gulping down our snacks we shot off down to Duisburg and watched the athletics,(she did very well) shot back again, trooped back to Transx and got down to the nitty gritty.Talked to Dennis, Martin, and ? (sorry forgot your name), did a road test in the early evening(they actually hired a truck and trailer),and then stoked up the little red Rooster car and slipped off home.
After about a week got all the paperwork they required together and posted it off to Winnipeg (thats were they are based), and then the waiting began.

Until Last week.!!!!

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